Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

Hello everyone.

I hope you are having a great Mother's Day today.
I'd be out with my mom today rather than blogging but both of us are sick! Really bites.  I will have to make it up to her next weekend for sure.  So I'm going to just keep it light today and just discuss a few things I found interesting in the world of Blizznews.

Hours after my last post, Alpha servers were shut down for a new build release.  I can only imagine those that work for popular datamine/news based sites, like Wowhead for example, had their work cut out for them a little later than usual.  They normally have builds released earlier in the day, but someone must have found something that needed emergency fine tuning before release.
I have not yet checked out the new updates, because when I'm sick, everything in me just shuts down, I am super cranky and don't like to be bothered.  And its very difficult to find peace and quiet to recover when I am currently at my sister's house.  She is not a very nice or considerate person, lets just leave it at that.  And a 6 year old nephew... kinda similar to her, but more friendly.
Anyway... crankiness aside... the build included the new Memorial Park in Stormwind. And if you are avoiding any spoilers, I don't suggest watching anything related to the park.

Overwatch... I'd love to say I am excited for it, but I'm not as hyped as I used to be.  I don't own a PS4 or an Is it? Whatever, don't care.  My computer is a little... old? I can't enjoy high graphics anymore.  Overwatch reminded me how old my computer is getting... but just not loading anything.  I mean, I can play, but I have to randomly click around to see the characters, and I don't know what anyone else in the team has picked... I wish this would still load even on the lowest settings... but Blizzard clearly wants me to invest in a new machine...

Now, this first photo here... this was during the first open Beta Weekend. Back then, I could see the list options. The second photo is from the open Beta event, and now I can no longer see anything.

This is my loading screen... I can hear everything going on just fine... and I can only imagine what it looks like based on whatever memory I have left from watching so many YouTube videos.

I can at least find Mei with no problem.  Was super excited I had the chance to actually try her out. I need some practice, but I'm not too shabby.  As for choosing another character, I just have to hover over and hope I can read the name or just randomly click.

Whatever graphics that I CAN see are still nice, and I can only imagine how nice it will look on an a newer machine... that unfortunately will have to wait until the end of the year for me...

Overwatch is in open Beta until May 9th, and officially released on May 24th.
I must say, there is a lot of potential to have a HUGE following with this particular title.  My nephew even loves the animated shorts.  He is too hyper and young to really sit down and play any games though.  He actually made it a point to get me to take him to Taco Bell once I told them they have cups there.  If you a super fan, go collect all 4, but they are flismy standard plastic cups.  I was a bit disappointed...
My nephew thinks D.Va is pretty, recognized Mei from a drawing I did, and has a habit of filling in the blanks with the most smart ass of comments while abusing Tracer's famos line...
"Cheers, love. -insert smart ass comment-". He even uses an accent...
Yep, so they have a great thing going on for them. This was even brought up to Mike Morhaime, he was flattered, but stated "The game was designed for the purpose of ESports." (Not exact quote)
There is a lot of things you can check out like the digital comics:
McCree in Train Hopper
Reinhardt in Dragon Slayer
Junkrat and Roadhog in Going Legit

Also, the amazing collection of official animated shorts that are breath taking. You'll also find a large amount of other videos that have amazing details and looks into the world of Overwatch:

The hype train continues to pull it load through with the release of the highly awaited movie title: Warcraft! We have roughly a month left in our countdown to the Warcraft movie release.  Along with tickets, there are going to be codes for ALL of the expansions up to Warlords of Draenor, for free, with the purchase of Legion. I think this is still a rumored thing or I might have a detail or two wrong, but that is the rumor. We just have to wait for the dates closer to release for the real hype lust to begin.
That being said, there is going to be a rush of new players that will join the game. As a long time player, I have noticed the realm name trends.  The majority of them are faction heavy based on the name of the realm. I currently reside on Lothar, for example, and its relatively D E A D..... but in its lively days, it was most populated by the Alliance.  Needless to say because he himself fought for the Alliance and is a human. *DUH* My server is going to thrive soon just based on the name a lot of newblets will be familiar with from the movie. Even though I don't play on Alliance, I am sure there is going to be a curious bunch that will still roll Horde.  I still welcome them all! And I'm kind of excited to have a little life on the server again. Or at least I hope it turns out that way.
I can be hopeful.
I can't wait for the movie, its been a long time coming.

Jinx has a new line up of licensed clothes! Looking forward to what they do with the Legion theme.

Be sure to check out the Legion Developer Update on May 10th.
It will be live starting at 9:00am PST / 12:00pm EST / 5:00pm UK running on Hosted by a very popular figure of the community, Jesse Cox, (@JesseCox) and World of Warcraft Assistant Game Director, Ion Hazzikostas (@watcherdev).

And wrapping things up cause this is longer than I cared to have made this...
Quarter 1 report for Activision Blizzard is out. Earlier in February, they bought out King Digital Entertainment. They are the creators of Candy Crush Saga and Pet Rescue and a few other titles. The price tag was $5.9 billion to take ownership. Quite a nice purchase if you look at how successful Candy Crush has been for sometime now. As far as everything else goes, this is a good start of the year for Blizzard. Which is ultimately great news for me as I do plan to work for them in the near future.
You can check out the full quarterly results from the investor's meeting recently. Lots of interesting information.

I think that sums it all up for now.
I am going to take a nap!
Ciao ciao!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

I know... I know...

Welp, tax season was officially over for me on April 20th.
"That should have meant you'd have more time to put in blog posts."
Welp, be that as it may... happy Cinco de Mayo.

     I actually have the remaining Dalaran posts somewhat complete, however, we are still in Alpha. It feels like Beta, but its not. I keep forgetting that fact. I've seen many YouTubers make videos stating "Every time I make a new video, a day or two later, all my information is completely wrong."
I thought to myself with a very cocky grin, "Whatever, I am taking pictures of Dalaran, nothing about the rest of Legion yet."


     Lots of things have changed around Dalaran and I believe things are still changing to this day. There are some NPCs that are new while others have been relocated or removed. And before I go and post more about the changes from LIVE to ALPHA, I want to recheck my research, take new photos if necessary, and make sure my posts and drafts are all caught up with the current Alpha build.

     As far as my game play goes...
I currently have a level 106 elemental shaman, Feifei. By now, I should have had a level 110, that is if I could still work on my druids. However, they fell through holes in the world, so I no longer have access to them. I reported it before tax season was over and they were still falling through after tax season. Recently, I really haven't checked due to all the activity focused on shaman these last couple of weeks.
     I've quested all the base-line quests in Azsuna, working on Val'sharah now. In between I have been mining and skinning to try them out. Last time I tried to send myself some mail, it didn't work, so I will have to check if its enabled so I can work on leather and blacksmith on another character. Prolly should have just stuck to skin/leather or mine/blacksmith, but I'm rather backwards sometimes. Also fishing and cooking are on the list of WIP.
     Still waiting for the Legion opening scenario on Horde to be added. Really excited about it. I've seen videos about the Alliance opening, but when I tried to take a peak to see for myself, we'd get kicked out of the scenario with a forced disconnect by the server. It would not let anyone progress. This was a week or two ago, so I should maybe check it out now.
     Suramar is the last and final zone that was added to the Alpha recently. Its absolutely GORGEOUS and very unique from the NE and BE cultures. Very few parts of the city are accessible to me at this time, however, I think there is a quest line at 110, that brings you there and you'll be able to mingle freely without having to aggro everything. That's right, the majority of the city is not at all friendly. I plan on doing a little more research on that.
     In the mean time, take a look at the Wowhead walk through. Its the best video out there that shows what it looks like currently without having to watch someone do quests, jump around, or handle the camera views like a spaz.

Anyway, thats it for me for now. I have to start working on the Dalaran posts again.
By the way... Overwatch is out on public Beta until the 9th. Check to make sure you got your codes in so you can run around and pew pew and such. I'd like to play it, but I'll cry about that issue at a later time.

Be safe this Cinco de Mayo!